Sunday, October 07, 2007

Rubbing elbows (and lobster claws)...

Last week my classmates and I got the opportunity to meet two highly respected authors in our field of study, journalism.

Rick Bragg, a former New York Times feature writer and author of the memoir, All Over But the Shoutin', took us out to lunch at a fish house in Birmingham. Mr. Bragg is now a professor at the University of Alabama. He is originally from Anniston, and he filled Jeremy in on the ins and outs here in town.

Mr. Bragg brought with him his friend, reknowned author and former New York Times editor Bill Kovach. We talked with Mr. Kovach about his book, The Elements of Journalism, in which he and a partner lay out the principles good journalists should follow during their careers.

(From left) Jeremy, Anne Anderson, Emily Amick, Bill Kovach, Sandra Martinez, Rick Bragg, Andrea Young, me, Cassandra Mickens, and Christina Smith.

This program is great, because no where else could we get the opportunity to pick the top minds in our field, face-to-face. Hopefully, when this program is complete, we will have made a great number of contacts, and will have a wealth of experience to take with us into the field.

1 comment:

Barb said...

I am so glad you are both in this program. What a wonderful experience. LYM