Monday, January 28, 2008

Once Was Enough...

I covered a bridal show for a class video/photo project today. It was fun, but not nearly as fun as the crazy martini slide at Signature Grand when we were planning our wedding! Still, planning one wedding per lifetime is more than enough. I definitely remembered that today!

Here's some pictures I snapped at the show:


Don't they look excited to be there? I thought this picture said it all!

Happy to be putting the show to bed!

Here's the video I took for class. It didn't turn out as well as I would have liked, because there was so much background noise and I couldn't quite establish a complete theme, but I think it's still enjoyable. I definitely learn a lot everytime I take video for a news assignment. Hopefully they'll keep getting better and better.


1 comment:

I, Robot said...

Nicely done.

An interesting theme, at least to my cynical self, might have been the industrialization of marriage. ;-)