Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Audience Participation, Please...

I would like to turn the tables on you all today. Our theory class has been kicking around an important question, and I would like to know what you all think the answer is before I write about it myself.

Here is the question: What is community?

If you could take a few minutes and comment on this question, I would really appreciate it. I will follow this up in a few days.



Jeremy Cox said...

Chicken butt.

I, Robot said...

Traditionally, a group of people living and working together.

Now, a group of people united by common interests and interaction.

Such as chicken butt and discussion thereof.

Anonymous said...

i think of community as a group of people working, living or gathering together to achieve a common goal. whether it be just working in the same building/business, being in a club/group or living in the same apartment complex or neighborhood. all of them have something in common; they have chosen a path that connects them.

do i get paid for my thoughts....or credit on your homework?? hehehe