Tuesday, September 25, 2007

So far, so good...

Yesterday, Jeremy and I celebrated 6 months of marriage.


I feel like I have learned a lot during the past 6 months. But the key lesson I have learned is that there is still so much to learn.

Jeremy and I had been together a little more than 3 years when we got married on March 24. We had been living together for almost 2 years. We knew each other so well, probably better than we knew ourselves.

How could marriage possibly change anything?

Our lives, on the surface, remained the same. Same home, same jobs, same amount of time together. Yet, there was a unique change, imperceptible to anyone but us.

We knew each other so well prior to being married. But we didn't know ourselves in these new identities of husband and wife.

Who is Jennifer Cox? I didn't meet her until March 24, and I'm still working to figure it out.

As spouses, we are forced to think of each other. Every decision I make isn't just about me anymore; I have a family to think of. My actions, my thoughts will forevermore affect someone else, and his actions will always affect me.

I would be lying if I said everything has been easy. We're still adjusting to this purely unselfish lifestyle. But I think we're finding a nice balance.

Marriage, for us, has been fantastic. It has been a journey filled with love and mutual respect. And, it has been a very welcome challenge. That's what keeps life interesting.

I can't wait to see what the next 6 months, and 60 years, have in store for us. As we grow in age, we must strive to grow in understanding, and to evolve together. We must remember the overwhelming love we shared on our wedding day, and every day since.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Beautifully put my darling daughter. You are wise beyond your years. I love you. Mom